Hide word in my heart that i might not sin
Hide word in my heart that i might not sin

But I haven’t hidden these earthly treasures in the deepest places of my heart. I protect each item and keep them safe from theft or abuse. The living word of God is not for us to simply think fondly or emotionally about, like a family antique or heirloom, but a treasure of infinite value and substance that will transform our lives and equip us to live victoriously for Christ.Īs an example, I have treasures handed down to me from my grandparents and parents, and I cherish the privilege of ownership.

hide word in my heart that i might not sin

Treasuring or hiding God’s word in our inner being goes far beyond simple memorization-though committing words to memory is a great place to begin. Some Bible translations of Psalm 119:11 use the word, “treasured,” instead of, “hid” or “hidden.” This provides an image of something of great worth and value that we long to enfold in our inner selves or our hearts. What Does 'Thy Word Have I Hid in My Heart' Mean? From ages five to 105, “in keeping them” there is truly great reward. Thankfully, there’s no age exclusion on hiding God’s word in our hearts. Moreover, by them thy servant is warned in keeping them there is great reward. They are more desirable than gold, yes, than much fine gold sweeter also than honey and the drippings of the honeycomb. And in glowing terms, verses 10–11 lay out the amazing benefits of leaning on His precious words. Psalm 19:7-9 speaks of the Lord’s laws, statutes, precepts, commands, and decrees. And even though they couldn’t shower their young family with the riches of this world, they bestowed a legacy of immeasurable worth and the absolute greatest treasure of all-the word of God. While they couldn’t have known the specifics, my parents anticipated my life’s path littered with much joy as well as grief, difficult decisions, broken hearts, discouragement, and more. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.įrom life experience, mom and dad knew their daughter would face countless trials and troubles on her life journey and they were making sure I could say with confidence, “Thy word have I hid in my heart.” These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts.

hide word in my heart that i might not sin

In obedience to scripture, they accepted Deuteronomy 6:5-7 as a sacred trust: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. I didn’t realize they were following God’s leadership and were actively laying a foundation in my heart of dependence on Christ and His word. That I might be continually guided by its precepts that I might be admonished of duty that I might be deterred from going astray.As a five-year-old, I committed this verse to memory out of love and respect for my parents. That I might not sin against thee - That it might protect me from sinning against thee.

hide word in my heart that i might not sin

The meaning here is, that he had "treasured" up the word of God, as the most valuable thing, in his heart it was "there," though unseen it constituted the secret power by which he was governed it was permanently deposited there, as the most valuable of his treasures. Then it means to lay up in one's heart, as a secret, inaccessible place to hide one's thoughts purposes, designs or to lay up knowledge or wisdom in the heart as a treasure, Job 10:13 Proverbs 2:1 Proverbs 7:1. to hoard - as money or jewels - commonly "hidden" from public view. The word rendered "hid" means properly to conceal, so that a thing may be secret, private, inaccessible then, to lay up in private, to treasure up. Thy word have I hid in mine heart - Compare the notes at Psalm 37:31.

Hide word in my heart that i might not sin